Let’s chat! Book a FREE Consultation with us, and we can discuss your situation, your goals, and ideate your best step forward.

Learning Pathways

Customized Coaching

"We all have the ability to design our own lives" -Bob Proctor

Are you looking to make lasting changes in your life? Do you want to learn how you can see results in all aspects of your life? We can help you unlock your true potential and reach your goals. Individual, group, and corporate coaching options available. Book your consultation below.

Seminars and Workshops

"Change is inevitable but personal growth is a choice." -Bob Proctor

Want to learn about specific topics related to personal and professional development? We offer just-in-time instruction that can be tailored to the needs of your group or organization. Book your consultation below.
Check out the workshops page for upcoming webinars and online workshops.

Programs and Resources

"If you must doubt something, doubt your limits." -Bob Proctor

If you prefer the self-paced approach, We offer a variety of digital programs and resources from the leaders in the personal and professional development field. Check out the services page for more information.

Customized Coaching

As a Certified Life Mastery Consultant, I can offer a number of programs in full-day, half-day and customized formats for large or small groups, in-house corporate trainings, executive and personal retreats, or keynote speeches. Each of these programs is also expanded upon for my coaching program formats as well.

Group and Team Training

There are no shortcuts to success. Yet, with the proper tools and resources you can accelerate your success, so that you achieve your goals and realize your dreams in far less time than you could have on your own. One of the single most effective success-accelerators is coaching. A coach or mentor helps breathe life into your intentions, transforming them into concrete goals and then providing you with the transformational tools and motivation you need to turn those goals into reality. A Life Mastery Consultant offers dynamic coaching programs tailored to your specific needs.

One-On-One Coaching

The power of personal coaching lies in the fact that it provides an individual with the most critical ingredient for extraordinary, consistent success: ongoing support, detailed action plans, constructive feedback and, most importantly, high level perspective.When a person knows that they will be regularly masterminding with a coach – someone who is going to give them unwavering encouragement and high-level support all the way to the finish line – that person’s commitment, enthusiasm, and belief in their goal increases exponentially.A coach is the catalyst that helps an individual to unstoppable personal achievement.

“If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep on getting what you’ve always got.” ~ W. L. Bateman

Give your unique, brilliant potential the boost it deserves. My coaching allows you and me to work together (one-on-one) through a highly effective and proven program that will support you in accelerating your results and achieving your goals.There’s nothing more exciting than to see individuals from all walks of life create phenomenal shifts in their thinking and results. More times than not, the person at the end of the coaching program is astonished at how much they achieved in such a short period of time.It’s an overwhelming testament to the awesome power and potential that rests in the human soul.

Seminars & Workshops

Whether it’s a short 10-minute talk, a ‘Lunch & Learn’ training, or a motivating keynote speech – your group, organization, or company will be ignited by this content, and they will “THANK YOU” for bringing this material to them. I can give you an overview of how my programs can impact and make a difference for your group from simple keynote speeches to the very powerful Vision Workshop where I deliver a half-day training for your organization, bringing together your management team and top performers.



Don’t settle for a life of mediocrity. Change your mindset and start living up to your full potential!

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WELCOME TO Dream Builder!

Exciting times are ahead! The future holds countless opportunities for you to grow and become an even better version of yourself – the best is yet to come!

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Welcome to Standing Firm

Despite past or current events, there are growth opportunities for you. Keep pushing to become an even better version of yourself. We’re here to help.

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WELCOME TO Working With the Law

Discovering the 11 Universal Laws can unlock the power within you and enable you to manifest your wildest dreams.

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WELCOME TO Magic in your Mind!

Each and every one of us is blessed with six exceptional gifts, just waiting to be recognized and harnessed. Those who do so can unlock their full potential and achieve amazing things.

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WELCOME TO Life Mastery!

Empower yourself to create a life of abundance and fulfillment by mastering these 6 key areas. Invest in your future success and take control of your life today!

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Create Your Future Today

Get started living your life by Design, not by Default!